Booklet Looks at Cable in Education

The National Cable Television Association (NCTA) has released a new booklet showcasing many of cable's educational partnerships and initiatives. Entitled The Cable Television Industry's Ongoing Commitment to Education and America's Teachers, Children and Families, the booklet was first presented at the second annual Cable and Education Forum during Cable '99. The Forum was comprised of a group of education officials, children's advocates and cable industry executives. Its goal was to provide a venue to exchange ideas and information in order to improve the educational resources and opportunities available to schools, educators, parents and children.

The booklet includes information on: Cable in the Classroom; cable's high speed education connection; distance learning; school to home connections; Universal Service Fund; programming and online curriculum; media literacy and anti-violence efforts; student and teacher training in news writing and production; community events and outreach; and contests, grants and scholarships.

Educators can obtain a copy of the booklet by calling or writing Bonnie Chernikoff or Liz Laszlo at NCTA, 1724 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20036. It is also available on their Web site (, by going to the FIOC section and then clicking on "Cable in Education." NCTA, Washington, DC, (202) 775-3629,
