The Science Explorer

The Science Explorer series from Tool Factory can spark excitement and curiosity in both elementary and middle school students. The series covers topics such as The Human Being, Living Things, Electricity, Light & Sound, Forces & Motion, Space and The Material World, all of which supplement and reinforce science lessons covered by most teachers. With Science Explorer, students interact with fun experiments, activities, briefing sessions and quizzes. The activities come with 3-D graphics, video, audio and narrated text.

Students can travel through the halls of a science museum and learn all about an electrical circuit. They can make snowflakes, build a bike and experiment with water levels. Each activity is introduced with a brief lesson about relevant scientific principles. Students can choose the "Tell Me More" feature or go directly into an interactive quiz. Teachers can use the Log Book to view which sections, experiments and quizzes students have completed, and check the date and score of each quiz. Tool Factory, East Dorset, VT, (800) 220-8386,

This article originally appeared in the 03/01/2002 issue of THE Journal.
