Lego Mindstorms NXT by Lego and National Instruments

Lego Mindstorms NXT by Lego and National Instruments
THE LEGO GROUP and education technologydeveloper National Instruments have released anupdate to the Lego Mindstorms NXT robotics inventionsystem. The new 1.1 release adds support for IntelbasedMac systems and Windows Vista. Lego MindstormsNXT is based on National Instruments' LabViewgraphical programming environment and remains compatiblewith the NI LabView Toolkit. The toolkit allowsusers to create and download enhancements for theoperation and control of the robotics platform. Asidefrom the new system compatibility, the new versionadds improved memory usage and provides smallercompiled programs and compressed sound files.Price: $19.95 (software upgrade from Lego)..