T.H.E. SmartClassroom :: April 10, 2008
Accountability, Yes. Teaching to the Test, No.
Since the 1950s, standardized test scores have been used to compare and rank schools, districts, states, and now nations, according to Rick Stiggins (2007), founder of the Educational Testing Service's Assessment Training Institute. In a commentary on assessment myths, he posed a question that has probably been discussed since standardized testing was chosen as the large-scale measure of effectiveness of schools: "Are we helping students and teachers with our assessment practices, or contributing to their problems?" (p. 28)....
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Ed Tech News
Students, Teachers Challenged To Define Role of Technology in Education
Ed tech developer eInstruction this week launched its new Content Meets Technology contest, which challenges educators and students to share their "vision of the role of technology in education." Winners of the competition will receive an interactive classroom makeover....
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Research: Are Schools Inhibiting 21st Century Learning?
CMS/LMS developer Desire2Learn this week launched Web Services 1.0, a set of Web-based enhancements for the D2L Learning Environment and D2L Learning Platform. Modules included with the 1.0 release include "organization structure management, enrolment management, and gradebook entry and lookup," according to the company....
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Desire2Learn Launches Web Services for Learning Management
IBM has released Lotus Quickr 8.1, an update to the company's collaborative learning tool. The new version adds Microsoft Outlook support and integration with Lotus Connections, among other enhancements....
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Arkansas District Implements Math and Reading Interventions
Plato Learning, a provider of K-adult computer-based learning solutions, is working with the Texarkana School District in Arkansas to implement Plato Test Packs with Prescriptions on the Plato Learning Environment and Plato Exam Intervention for its middle and high school intervention, credit recovery and acceleration programs....
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Alabama Program Couples Real-World Science with Technology
PASCO scientific has partnered with the Alabama Math, Science and Technology Initiative (AMSTI) in a pilot program to explore how real-world scientific inquiry coupled with modern technology can accelerate the development of students' 21st century science skills....
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Events Calendar
April 13-16, 2008
TechEd 2008: 13th Annual Technology in Education Conference & Exposition
Ontario, CA
April 22, 2008
11th Annual Educational Technology Coordinators Conference
Macomb, MI
April 22-25, 2008
Designing the 21st Century Classroom (New Orleans) 2008
New Orleans, LA
April 24-25, 2008
2008 NETA Spring Technology Conference
Omaha, NE
April 27-May 2, 2008
Interop Las Vegas 2008
Las Vegas, NV
April 30-May 1, 2008
MICCA 2008
Baltimore, MD
May 4-5, 2008
Security Professionals Conference 2008
Arlington, VA
May 4-6, 2008
Leading Learning Conference '08
Scarborough, Ontario, Canada
May 4-6, 2008
CMMA 2008 Professional Development Conference
Baltimore, MD
May 5-6, 2008
AALF 21 Steps to 21st Century Learning Institute
Lambertville, NJ
May 7-8, 2008
Educause Policy Conference 2008
Arlington, VA
May 9, 2008
DLA 2008 Annual Conference
Dover, DE
May 13-15, 2008
18th Annual CardTech/SecurTech Conference & Exhibition
Orlando, FL
May 16, 2008
Tech Forum West 2008
Long Beach, CA
May 18-20, 2008
Ed Tech Industry Summit 2008
San Francisco, CA
May 19-23, 2008
TechMentor 2008
Orlando, FL
May 20-23, 2008
18th Annual Conference on Computers, Freedom & Privacy
New Haven, CT
May 22-23, 2008
Designing the 21st Century Classroom 2008
Los Angeles, CA
Find more events at THE Journal's online Conference Calendar.
THE Journal Opportunities
Share Your Best Practices
T.H.E. Journal is currently looking for the following types of articles for future issues and for our eNewsletter, T.H.E. SmartClassroom:
- School Perspectives -- discuss a specific topic, trend, or concern about education technology.
- Case Studies -- have you implemented technology and learned a lot from the experience? If so, share your efforts about what worked -- and what didn't.
If you have a potential article, or questions about the above topics, please e-mail [email protected]
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