Pearson's PowerSchool Premier Supports Oracle, Intel Macs


Education publisher Pearson Wednesday confirmed that its Web-based student information system, PowerSchool Premier, will support Oracle Database. Upon installing the latest version of the software, system data will be backed up, the Oracle Database installed, and the original data migrated into the new system.

The inclusion of Oracle Database into PowerSchool automates all system tasks, including backups. Additionally, all hardware requirements remain unchanged.

"The PowerSchool platform has reflected a commitment to simplicity and innovation for over a decade. Part of this commitment includes a continual review and adjustment of the technological frameworks on which the system is based," said Mary McCaffrey, president of the School Systems group of Pearson, in a June 11 release. "As a result, we're pleased to announce that PowerSchool Premier will now support Oracle Database. We are confident that Oracle Database will help us provide a more robust, scalable and higher performing SIS solution."

As an added benefit, with the cross-platform capabilities of Oracle Database, PowerSchool will be able to run on Intel-based Macintosh hardware. Intel-based Mac hardware support for database servers is scheduled for Fall 2008, with full support of both the PowerSchool application and the Oracle Database slated for the second quarter, 2009.

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About the author: Chris Riedel is a freelance writer based in Florida. He can be reached via e-mail here.

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About the Author

Chris Riedel is a freelance writer based in Illinois. He can be reached here.
