RFB&D Announces Downloadable DAISY Books


Nonprofit educational materials provider Recording for the Blind & Dyslexic has announced it has made its entire selection of AudioPlus Books for DAISY devices available for download.

Digital Accessible Information System, or DAISY, is the standard multimedia format for accessible documents for individuals with print impairments such as blindness, vision impairment, dyslexia, and reading and learning disabilities. The format encompasses Digital Talking Books, digital text books, or a combination of synchronized audio and text books. RFB&D offers a catalog of more than 51,000 titles in DAISY format, including both academic texts and literature.

As with all material downloaded in DAISY format, the RFB&D books can be played on computers running any of a wide selection of software applications that support the format, as well as separate audio and audio-visual devices that are DAISY-enabled. Many of the software applications are open source and available for download free on provider websites.

A sample of DAISY-enabled audio or audio-visual devices:

Some of the downloadable software applications include:

In addition, RFB&D customer service is now offering 24-hour phone support to its members, including product information and technical support for equipment operation and downloading.

About the Author

Scott Aronowitz is a freelance writer based in Las Vegas. He has covered the technology, advertising, and entertainment sectors for seven years. He can be reached here.
