ISBA Works To Help Idaho Schools Improve Safety

The Idaho School Board Association (ISBA) has announced it is collaborating with insurance provider Moreton & Co. to bring the online training program to schools statewide. The program offers variety of online courses aimed at training users for complete preparedness in all manner of health- and safety-related scenarios in a school environment.

Such training allows school employees to achieve compliance with state and federal requirements, and it allows schools and districts to reduce risk, thereby cutting liability insurance costs. In addition, teachers can apply SafeSchools courses toward professional development credit in a program affiliated with Idaho State University.

The program offers courses in all categories of safety applicable in a school environment, including: emergency management, environmental safety, school security, social and behavioral concerns, transportation, nutrition, and human resources.

"It is sometimes difficult to determine the types of safety courses to offer district-wide that meet the needs of all personnel, but SafeSchools fits the bill," said Sanie Baker of the Minidoka County School District. "Whether it is new information or a review, our staff appreciates the variety of topics offered. Even though our district has participated in this program for several years, we have found the information to be updated and relevant."

About the Author

Scott Aronowitz is a freelance writer based in Las Vegas. He has covered the technology, advertising, and entertainment sectors for seven years. He can be reached here.
