Ed Tech To Help Power Colorado School Turnaround Effort

Under the Colorado Education Accountability Act of 2009, the state has made improvement of chronically low-performing schools a priority. With the help of federal funds, the Colorado Department of Education (CDE) has instituted a statewide school transformation and turnaround effort. This effort includes grants that will allow schools to reorganize under one of four intervention models: transformation, turnaround, restart, or closure.

As part of this effort, the state has approved 19 providers to assist with school interventions in one or more of five key areas of expertise: organizational management and leadership, academic performance, learning environment, financial management and operations, and planning. Of these, three providers--EdisonLearning, Global Partnership Schools/CORE, and Pearson K-12 Solutions--have been approved to assist in all five areas.

CDE is strongly encouraging schools to avail themselves of the providers and methods being offered. "The department is committed to partnering with schools and districts in the development of comprehensive turnaround plans and to assist in the effort to improve student achievement for all," said Commissioner of Education Dwight D. Jones. "This is urgent work."

The state said it anticipates the turnaround effort will issue approximately $37.7 million in grants over the next three years. The United States Department of Education said in 2009 that it made these funds available under ARRA to give schools new resources to institute reforms that will increase graduation rates, reduce dropout rates, and improve instructional quality.

About the Author

Scott Aronowitz is a freelance writer based in Las Vegas. He has covered the technology, advertising, and entertainment sectors for seven years. He can be reached here.
