Google Begins Massive Open Online Summer Camp for Makers

For the third year in a row, Google is putting on a free online Maker Camp, based on maker-movement ideals, for teens using the company’s Google+ social network.

The event is an extension of a maker’s faire Google began hosting in the Bay Area almost a decade ago. The online counterpart sees students building items like LED shoe clips and bottle rocket fireworks. On Fridays, virtual fieldtrips will take members on tours of places like NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center.

According to a blog post announcing the project, 500 local "campsites" in libraries and community centers around the world will bring kids together for local collaboration and participation in the online camp.

The camp officially began Monday July 7, with a Google Hangout session featuring Buzz Aldrin.

About the Author

Stephen Noonoo is an education technology journalist based in Los Angeles. He is on Twitter @stephenoonoo.
