
Time Warner Partners with i-Safe Ventures on CIPA Compliance

Time Warner Cable Business Class (TWCBC) has partnered with i-SAFE Ventures with the goal of making it easier for E-Rate schools to comply with the Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA).

The government's E-rate program helps schools pay for Internet access, and participating schools are required to comply with CIPA laws by educating all of their students about appropriate online behavior, social networking and cyber bullying, and by communicating and maintaining an annual Internet Safety Policy document. Maintaining CIPA-compliance can present a challenge for some schools, and TWCBC hopes to reduce that burden for its customers through this new partnership.

i-SAFE Ventures offers services intended to make it easier for schools to comply with the Children's Internet Protection Act and educate students about online safety. Through this partnership, schools that receive E-Rate funds for Dedicated Internet Access from TWCBC will be eligible to subscribe to i-SAFE services at a discounted rate. According to a news release from TWCBC, "i-SAFE services are easy to use, built to the high standards of child privacy laws and current educational standards, and more cost and time-efficient than typical district processes."

i-SAFE Ventures offers i-SAFE Direct cloud-based identity verification services suitable for both commercial and education purposes, and i-SAFE Digital Learning e-safety programs for K-12.

Further information about i-SAFE products can be found on the i-SAFE Ventures site.

About the Author

Leila Meyer is a technology writer based in British Columbia. She can be reached at [email protected].
