Community Connections
It Goes Both Ways
As they broaden their use of social media to communicate with their constituents, school districts are discovering that on the internet it may be better to receive than to give. By Bridget McCrea
Business Intelligence
What’s in It for Us?
To ensure a successful BI implementation and avoid critical missteps, K-12 administrators would do well to import a quartet of best practices developed in the private sector. By John K. Waters
Special Section: Sustainable Schools
Mod Genius
The slow economy is inhibiting schools’ plans for traditional brick-and-mortar construction and sending them searching for ways to cut energy use. The solution to both? Modular green classrooms. By Jennifer Grayson
Feeling the Heat
Easier to install and more benecial than ever, solar power can help districts reduce and stabilize their utility costs. By Sara Stroud
Secondhand Is First-Rate
Refurbished computers save on energy consumption while offering better value and performance than new machines. By Jennifer Demski
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