Ntwk. Info Mgt. & Retrieval Pkg. Finds "Right" Data Fast

ISYS, a network information management and retrieval package, lets users find specific data regardless of what program created it. Information can be text, graphics, spreadsheets, e-mail, sources from the Internet, etc. Basically, it offers a way to assemble, annotate, organize and redistribute information into a usable structure. Version 4.0 offers new menu-assisted searching, WYSISYG viewers that include full formatting and embedded graphics, improved image viewers, "fuzzy searching" plus static and dynamic hypertext linking. Other search tools include plain English, command-based, query-by-concept and a saved-query library. Query features include leading and trailing wildcards, Boolean and proximity operators, date range, relevancy ranking and many more. Concept Trees create a conceptual map or table of contents of information in the database, whether text, e-mail, graphics or spreadsheet files. ISYS supports numerous file formats, including CompuServe mail, Paradox, Access, Btrieve and any ODBC-compliant SQL database source. Plus, "sticky notes" can be appended anywhere in the document, up to 32K per note; annotations themselves may be indexed and searched. Odyssey Development, Greenwood Village, CO, (303) 689-9998. WM

This article originally appeared in the 11/01/1995 issue of THE Journal.
