Let the PC Give Partial Test Credits
Testware 2000+ is course and testing software that allows instructors to present, demonstrate and test all conceptual matter that can be manipulated within a spreadsheet environment. The software supports the selection and distribution of three major types of problem material to students: objective questions, complex problems and essays. Materials are contained in individual PIN-protected files, giving only specific students and the instructor access to tests and answers. Composing essay questions is similar to using a standard word processor, and instructors may assign open-ended essays, term papers or case studies and assess student performance on multiple attributes. The system has the unique capability to unambiguously grant partial credit in complex, multiple-step problems. Instructors can divide a complex problem into several smaller linked problems and, should a student err in any one of the steps, the program will calculate scores based on both original problem input and a student's erroneous response. Courseware Associates, LC, Shell Rock, IA, (319) 885-4657,
[email protected].
This article originally appeared in the 09/01/1996 issue of THE Journal.