November 99
9-11, Washington, D.C.
The New Media Instructional Design Symposium, "You Plan It, You Build It," sponsored by Influent Technology Group
Hyatt Regency Washington, D.C.
Contact: (888)333-9088
10-13, Long Beach, Calif.
Connected Classroom Conference and Exposition, sponsored by Classroom Connect
Long Beach Convention Center
Contact: (800) 638-1639
10-13, Dallas, Tex.
Technology and Learning Conference, sponsored by the National School Board Association
Dallas Convention Center
Contact: (800) 950-6722
15-19, Las Vegas, Nev.
COMDEX/Fall 99
Technology Conference, "Beyond the PC," sponsored by COMDEX
Las Vegas Convention Center, Las Vegas Hilton, Sands Expo and Convention Center
Contact: (781) 433-1652
January 00
26-28, Oshkosh, WI.
11th Annual Classroom Technology Conference, sponsored by the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh
Park Plaza International Hotel and Conference Center
Contact: (920) 424-2367
27-29, San Francisco, Calif.
Educational Computer Conferences, "Technology, Reading & Learning Difficulties,"
sponsored by Educational Computer Conferences
Grand Hyatt San Francisco
Contact: (888) 594-1249
February 00
2-4, Charlotte, N.C.
Year 2000 NCAECT Technology Conference "A Whole New World: Teachers with Technology,"
sponsored by North Carolina Association for Education and Communications Technology, Adams Mark Hotel
Contact: (336) 318-6048
8-9, Scottsdale, AZ.
Innovative Thinking Conference, "Think Outside of the Box," sponsored by SHR Perceptual Management
Scottsdale Center for the Arts
Contact: (480) 443-7431
27-Mar. 1, Orlando, Fla.
Innovations 2000, "A Conference Dedicated to Improving Student and Organizational
Learning Through Innovation, Experimentation, and Institutional Transformation,"
sponsored by League for Innovation in the Community College, Omni Rosen Hotel
Contact: (949) 367-2884
28-Mar. 1, San Jose, Calif.
Intranets 2000 Conference & Expo,
sponsored by Online Inc., San Jose Convention Center
Contact: (800) 248-8466
March 00
1-3, Washington, D.C.
TeleCon East 2000, sponsored by Frontier
Marriott Wardman Park
Contact: (714)513-8452
13-15, St. Louis, Mo.
Midwest Education and Technology Conference 2000
sponsored by The Cooperating School Districts
America's Center
Contact: (800) 835-8282
17-19, Dallas, Tex.
12th Annual T3 International Conference, "Teachers with Technology"
Adam's Mark Hotel
Contact: (800) 472-1796
July 00
17-18, Burlingame, Calif.
DVD PRO Conference & Expo, sponsored by Online Inc.
Hyatt Regency San Francisco Airport
Contact: (800) 248-8466
October 00
25-28, Denver, CO.
14th Annual Technology + Learning Conference, sponsored by ITTE: Education Technology Programs
Colorado Convention Center
Contact: (703) 838-6722
This article originally appeared in the 11/01/1999 issue of THE Journal.