New Products - Mitsubishi Electronics America's Color Monitor

Mitsubishi Electronics America's new, low-cost 17" DIAMONDTRON NF desktop color monitor, the Diamond Plus 73, features a patented, state-of-the-art, flat-faced CRT. Natural Flat technology produces natural-looking flat images that mirror traditional pen and paper imagery. A calculated polynomial curve has been applied to the internal screen surface and aperture grille that basically pre-distorts the image, compensating for the concave effect. This, coupled with a redesigned S-NX DBF electron gun for reduced spot size and screen focus uniformity, and improved deflection yoke technology for better beam landing, provides a flat, sharp and bright image.

The flat-screen monitor significantly reduces the effects of ambient lighting, cutting external reflection and glare. It also employs a self-convergence system that eliminates compromised corner focus, resulting in better screen performance. To achieve the natural flat screen effect, a proprietary glass system has been added to the unit. Although the flat-faced monitor technology uses more glass than a standard cylindrical CRT, the weight of the unit d'es not increase. Mitsubishi Electronics America, Cypress, CA, (800) 843-2515,
