Chancery Leaves Options Open

Chancery Software now serves as an application serviceprovider through Open District,Chancery’s district-wide student information system. The new Hosted OpenDistrict option enables districts to place student data online in a secureonline environment that is maintained by Chancery. The hosted ASP bundleexpands the range of implementation options currently available for OpenDistrict users. Districts can choose the model that works most effectively forthem now, whether this connection is hosted locally, hosted remotely, or acombination of the two. Later, if a different implementation model would betterserve their needs, districts and staff can transition easily.

Becoming an ASP magnifies the advantages of the SchoolsInteroperability Framework (SIF) for Open District users. Chancery’s softwarepartners are SIF members, but not necessarily ASP compliant. Under the HostedOpen District solution, data from these non-ASP compliant packages may still beextracted via SIF protocols for delivery over the Web. SIF thus getstransferred to the Web, with Chancery’s ASP role and Open District’s featureset paving the way. Chancery Software,Burnaby, BC, (800) 999-9931,
