Data Analytics & Reporting

TX Regional Centers Start to Evaluate ROI of Tech at Schools

Beginning this school year, districts within Texas’ Region 10 Education Service Center (ESC) will be able to better understand technology use and readiness as the result of an expanded partnership with the K–12 data management company BrightBytes.

ESC Region 10 has been using the company’s Technology and Learning Module across several regional service centers, which were established by the Texas State Legislature in 1967. Now, more than 500 schools will combine with the Learning Outcomes Module from BrightByte, which measures product usage and efficacy within specific conditions to determine ROI on tech.

The Learning Outcomes Modules framework is built on research, helping administrators to evaluate tech on the basis of impact, engagement and investment. Image: BrightBytes.

“The BrightBytes Learning Outcomes module captures millions of data points from digital device usage and triangulates it with district investment data and student achievement data, so educators can truly evaluate the impact of digital tools on student learning,” the company website explains.

The continuing partnership “will provide Region 10 with a complete 360 degree view of 21st century learning across the organization,” according to prepared statement.

About the Author

Sri Ravipati is Web producer for THE Journal and Campus Technology. She can be reached at [email protected].
