3 Ways to Help Students Build Empathy Using Technology
- By Common Sense Education

- 03/13/18
Can your students build empathy skills even while using technology? Yes! In fact, exercises that help students build empathy in digital spaces are a crucial part of positive social and emotional learning.
Plus, using empathy skills online is integral for helping kids become responsible digital citizens.
Here are three ways teachers can give students practice using empathy online — just like they would in face-to-face situations.
Learn about more tips and tools for integrating SEL into your teaching on Common Sense Education.
About the Author
Common Sense Education helps educators find the best edtech tools, learn best practices for teaching with tech, and equip students with the skills they need to use technology safely and responsibly. Go to Common Sense Education for free resources including full reviews of digital tools, ready-made lesson plans, videos, webinars, and more.