How to Introduce Students to Coding with Mozilla's X-Ray Goggles
- By Common Sense Education

- 04/24/18
Learn how Mozilla's X-Ray Goggles browser extension can make learning to code more engaging. Any student can benefit from learning at least a little bit about code, but for many students just getting started, coding can be overwhelming and not very engaging. This video shows how you can spark student interest right off the bat using Mozilla's X-Ray Goggles to reveal the code behind students' favorite websites.
Get more tips and resources for teaching coding from Common Sense Education.
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Common Sense Education helps educators find the best edtech tools, learn best practices for teaching with tech, and equip students with the skills they need to use technology safely and responsibly. Go to Common Sense Education for free resources including full reviews of digital tools, ready-made lesson plans, videos, webinars, and more.