Selected Articles from Joshua Bolkan

Joshua Bolkan is the online assistant editor for THE Journal and Campus Technology. The articles listed below represent a sampling of his recent work. To find a comprehensive list of articles by Joshua, please use our online search tool.

ED Launches 2 New Grant Programs to Encourage Diverse Schools

The United States Department of Education has launched Opening Doors, Expanding Opportunities and the 2017 Magnet Schools Assistance Program, two new initiatives designed to encourage socioeconomically diverse schools.

What Will a Trump Presidency Mean for K–12 and Ed Tech?

Disturbingly little is known with any certainty about President-Elect Donald J. Trump’s plans for education. Even credible speculation is difficult, given that Trump is far from a traditional Republican and that his statements on a range of issues have proved somewhat inconsistent over the last year or so. But one thing is certain for a Trump presidency backed by a Republican-dominated Congress: Education policy is going to move in a new direction.

ED Releases Year 3 Race to the Top Progress Reports

The United States Department of Education has released progress reports for the 12 recipients of Race to the Top funding's first two rounds.

Report: Most District Tech Leaders Want 1:1 Deployment or Expansion

The vast majority, 84.3 percent, of district technology leaders have a "high level of interest" in implementing or expanding a one-to-one mobile program in their districts, though only 12.1 percent currently have one-to-one classrooms in their districts, according to the National Survey on Mobile Technology for K-12 Education.

IT Spending Approaches $4 Trillion

Worldwide IT spending will reach $3.7 trillion this year, according to the latest forecast from market research firm Gartner.

Flash Sites and iPads Stimulate Students and Parents

Title I reading specialist Paula Rogers found a way to combine iPads and innovative Flash-based reading sites, which typically aren't compatible with the tablet.
