Charlie Sander of cybersecurity firm Managed Methods shares some tips to avoid making a cyber incident on a K-12 school even more costly, for district leaders, risk management planners, and IT practitioners: What to expect and some do’s and don’ts to move forward while minimizing an cyber attack's negative impacts and costly disruptions.
- By Charlie Sander
- 02/08/23
During the final weeks of 2022, THE Journal asked scores of ed tech leaders about their wishes and worries for 2023. Cybersecurity and teacher resources were the most common topics addressed in the responses — many of which include specific ideas for new policies and practices for K–12 education in the United States.
- By Kristal Kuykendall
- 01/05/23
Todd Ryckman of Cypher Learning joins editor Kristal Kuykendall for a discussion about the competency-based education movement, what it looks like in school districts that have been implementing CBE over the past five years, and how Cypher Learning’s NEO LMS empowers educators and students, regardless of whether their school uses the traditional or “modern” instructional model or more of a CBE approach.
- By Kristal Kuykendall
- 01/01/23
One state leads the nation on the number of students participating in robotics competitions, and it’s probably not the state you’d guess. Indiana’s robotics initiative reaches about 20,000 students each year, with higher levels of diversity than STEM fields usually see — and all that on an annual budget of under $200K.
- By Kristal Kuykendall
- 12/14/22 editor and podcast host Kristal Kuykendall visits with REC Foundation CEO Dan Mantz, who explains the foundation’s recent adjustments to its mission and vision, the addition of curriculum and competitions for drones and automation, and all the ways that the REC Foundation programs are helping prepare the workforce of tomorrow.
- By Kristal Kuykendall
- 12/12/22
Learn how the AI Coach platform engages teachers in an evidence-based learning process focused on the actual teaching and learning within their classrooms — tactical and practical feedback tailored to each teacher’s needs, and teachers interact with the computerized coach when it’s convenient for their schedules.
- By Kristal Kuykendall
- 12/06/22
The Texas Department of Information Resources, in its newly released Biennial Performance Report, has asked the state legislature to require Texas school districts to report cybersecurity incidents to its office within a minimum reporting timeframe.
- By Kristal Kuykendall
- 12/01/22
When COVID-19 prevented in-person coaching, observing, and co-teaching, the North Carolina New Teacher Support Program started using video and continued in full force, with over 1,000 teachers participating in the 2020–21 school year and the program has continued growing, with nearly 1,400 teachers participating this school year — data shows it is indeed helping the state retain teachers.
- By Kristal Kuykendall
- 11/17/22
For the 7 Questions Ed Tech Explainer series, Branching Minds CEO Maya Gat explains how its Multi-Tiered System of Supports solution works, how it impacts teachers, administrators, students, and learning outcomes, and how it incorporates a school district's existing data to help teachers equitably and efficiently differentiate instruction and ensure it's helping students catch up.
- By Kristal Kuykendall
- 11/14/22
THE Journal's 7 Questions: Ed Tech Explainer series features PowerSchool Group VP Shivani Stumpf, who explains the new Data-as-a-Service solution for education called Connected Intelligence, how it works, what it will offer public schools and state education agencies that is not commonly available now, and how she envisions it helping improve K–12 education.
- By Kristal Kuykendall
- 10/25/22