3M and Discovery Education have announced open applications for the annual 3M Young Scientist Challenge and a new Alumni Network and Alumni Grants Program.
The LGBT-focused nonprofit It Gets Better Project has opened its grant program that will award $10,000 grants to 50 schools in the United States, as well as additional grants to schools in Canada, to help support LGBT youth. The deadline is March 15.
The KidWind Project will partner with Flinn Scientific for the third year in a row to offer K–12 students a chance to compete in the 2023 Simulation Challenge. Contestants will use Flinn Scientific’s WhiteBox Learning STEM to virtually construct and test wind turbines and wind farms. Registration and the competition are open now through March 1, with challenge completion due April 1.
Now through Jan. 30, K–12 school districts in rural areas (serving populations of 20,000 or less) are invited to apply for the USDA Distance Learning Grants program.
The Federal Communications Commission’s Wireline Competition Bureau announced Wednesday that it is considering expanding the E-Rate eligible services list to include “advanced or next-generation firewalls and services, as well as other network security services,” and is seeking public comment from stakeholders now through Feb. 13, 2023, with reply comments accepted through March 30, 2023.
Applications are now open for a program that will award $80 million in grants to schools for implementing improvements to schools in the areas of energy efficiency, clean air, and renewable energy.
Local education agencies can now submit applications for the Energy CLASS Prize, a program that aims to "make energy management a sustainable feature of their communities while positioning them to make meaningful infrastructure improvements that will reduce utility costs, improve indoor air quality, and improve learning environments long-term." Prizes include $3.75 million in cash and an additional $750,000 in technical support.
The request for proposal, or RFP, process can be daunting and can include dozens of pages of documents, as required by law. Two ed tech leaders who have received hundreds of RFPs share best practices and 5 common pitfalls in education RFPs to help K-12 schools and administrators streamline the process, save time, and in some cases, even save money.
Texas Tech University is launching a new pilot program to help students in the state complete their diplomas or earn a GED. The program is in partnership with TTU K–12, a fully online school district operated by Texas Tech, and is being made possible by a $1.8 million grant from the United States Department of Education and the Texas Workforce Commission.
The National Science Teaching Association is accepting nominations through Dec. 21, 2022, for its annual teacher awards, with grant prizes totaling over $60,000. The awards recognize informal and classroom educators, researchers, new teachers, longtime teachers, and more.