Reading Horizons, a company whose goal is to help educators eradicate illiteracy, has launched a free online community called the Science of Reading Collective. The community seeks to support teachers with any years of experience or grade level by offering free access to all, whether or not they purchase the company’s materials.
- By Kate Lucariello
- 12/08/22
Learn how the AI Coach platform engages teachers in an evidence-based learning process focused on the actual teaching and learning within their classrooms — tactical and practical feedback tailored to each teacher’s needs, and teachers interact with the computerized coach when it’s convenient for their schedules.
- By Kristal Kuykendall
- 12/06/22
Google for Education has released the first report from a massive, two-year study considering the role of education in a “radically different future,” and what that might look like, focusing on big-picture themes seen as most likely to impact education and the future workforce in the coming years and decades.
- By Kristal Kuykendall
- 11/29/22
PBLWorks has opened registration for its annual project-based learning professional development conference and awards to be held June 26-29, 2023, and the discounted early bird registration deadline is Dec. 30, 2022 for the annual event whose 2023 theme is “Sharing Stories of High Quality Project Based Learning.”
- By Kate Lucariello
- 11/21/22
When COVID-19 prevented in-person coaching, observing, and co-teaching, the North Carolina New Teacher Support Program started using video and continued in full force, with over 1,000 teachers participating in the 2020–21 school year and the program has continued growing, with nearly 1,400 teachers participating this school year — data shows it is indeed helping the state retain teachers.
- By Kristal Kuykendall
- 11/17/22
The National Science Teaching Association is accepting nominations through Dec. 21, 2022, for its annual teacher awards, with grant prizes totaling over $60,000. The awards recognize informal and classroom educators, researchers, new teachers, longtime teachers, and more.
- By Kate Lucariello
- 11/14/22
SXSW EDU has unveiled nearly half of the lineup for the 2023 event scheduled for March 6–9, 2023, in Austin, featuring topics considered the most pressing in education, the organization said, after more than 1,200 proposals were whittled down by conference organizers and voting through PanelPicker.
- By Kristal Kuykendall
- 11/10/22
Apple recently announced a number of updates and new resources for K–12 educators, including new instructional resources emphasizing project-based learning, creativity, and collaboration, as well as professional learning opportunities.
- By Kristal Kuykendall
- 11/03/22 editor and host Kristal Kuykendall visits with several K–12 educators, instructional coaches, and education technology specialists who participated in the Apple Learning Coach pilot program before it was launched publicly this past March and they share deep insights and inspiring stories about how ALC has been a change agent at their schools: from helping spark new enthusiasm among students and teachers, and improving the frameworks of existing teacher coaching programs, to building technology-powered instruction that dramatically increases student engagement, creation, and collaboration.
- By Kristal Kuykendall
- 10/31/22
Aptitude assessment and CTE solutions provider YouScience has acquired the National Center for College and Career Transitions, or NC3T, expanding YouScience’s ability to help K–12 students find and prepare for the career and college options that best fit their interests and abilities, according to a news release.
- By Kristal Kuykendall
- 10/18/22