Version 5.0 Integrates Into Any Writing Lab

Version 5.0 of Writer's Workbench is a turnkey system that can integrate into almost any type of writing lab, taking advantage of existing network resources. The software advises students regarding overuse of abstract, negative or vague words, and identifies troublesome word pairs, such as "affect/effect" and "capital/capitol." It also flags nearly 500 words or phrases that are potentially overused, sexist or incorrect. Writer's Workbench also analyzes punctuation, sentences and paragraphs to check for both correctness and coherence. Plus, the student's paper can be compared to standards derived from selected writing samples and scored on "readability." Unlike other grammar checking packages, Writer's Workbench directs students to make changes based on what they have learned but d'es not repair the flawed document for them. EMO Educational Software, Naperville, IL, (708) 369-1350. WDMU
