AOL to Freely Link 2,000 Calif. Schools

America Online's newest strategic initiative is designed to accelerate linkage of U.S. public schools to the educational opportunities offered via online services and the Internet. The first phase includes providing unlimited, free access to over 2,000 public schools in California over the next year. "By providing free, unlimited access," notes Steve Case, president and CEO of AOL, "we'll learn first-hand the value of allowing educators and students to tap the vast resources of AOL and the Internet without regard to the constraints of budget allocations or socio-economic status that have played a role in limiting participation… ." Schools seeking additional information should contact: America Online, 8619 Westwood Center Dr., Vienna, VA, 22182, Attention: California Public School Program or call (703) 556-3746.

This article originally appeared in the 12/01/1995 issue of THE Journal.
