Program Eases LAN Administrator's Tasks

Net Commander is a centralized control and software distribution package for the Macintosh that provides extensive network auditing.

The program allows software to be installed simultaneously to all computers on a network, reducing the amount of time needed to distribute software. The program also allows copying an entire hard disk's contents to another hard disk, enabling network administrators to have identical configurations on all computers.

Net Commander also allows the administrator to launch and quit applications; restart and shut down computers; and perform other commands such as synchronizing the clocks, setting sound levels and monitor depth, empty the trash and mount and unmount volumes, including AppleShare volumes.

The program's search capability lets one list the computers running specific versions of system software, applications and versions of control panels and extensions. Power On Software, Sherrodsville, OH, (800) 344-9160.

This article originally appeared in the 01/01/1996 issue of THE Journal.
