Workshops Cover Library Automation

Winnebago Software, a developer of library automation software and services, offers a variety of customer training workshops and specially designed educational sessions.

Besides attending one-day workshops, customers may schedule an onsite training session with Winnebago staff. Onsite sessions are designed to be given at conferences as 50-minute or two-hour presentations. Winnebago covers all costs associated with presenting the sessions.

Five sessions are currently available: The Automation Game Plan, Teaching Search Strategies for Online Catalogs, MARC: Making it Manageable, Connecting Your Library to the Internet, and Internet Tools.

In addition, two sets of videos focus on the Internet and World Wide Web. Winnebago Software, Caledonia, MN, (800) 533-5430, ext. 251.

This article originally appeared in the 03/01/1996 issue of THE Journal.
