Online Brochure Focuses on Internet

Visitors to Cisco Systems' CEARCH (Cisco Educational Archive and Resources Catalog) can find an updated version of their "Going to School on the Internet" tutorial.

This online brochure discusses the Internet in elementary and secondary school classrooms: getting connected, gathering funding, training, choosing a service provider and more. A glossary defines basic Internet terms such as FTP and TCP/IP.

Co-developed with the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, CEARCH also links to other Web sites of interest to educational organizations, including AskERIC and the San Francisco Exploratorium. The URL is

Cisco Systems is a leading worldwide provider of high-performance, multimedia and multiprotocol internetworking products, including routers, bridges, workgroup systems, internetworking servers and router management software. Cisco Systems, San Jose, CA, (800) 336-8957.

This article originally appeared in the 04/01/1996 issue of THE Journal.
