Edit & Link Web Images Easily

Shockwave for FreeHand makes it easy to integrate FreeHand graphics into Web pages and view them with Netscape Navigator 2.0. Designers can easily create unusual effects for the Web (such as irregular-shaped hot spots) while creating space-efficient files -- all with a familiar graphic design tool and minimal effort. Additionally, Web authors can quickly transform any FreeHand vector graphic object, from a rectangular block of text to an irregularly shaped design, into an interactive hot link to another URL, which is much more difficult to do with other Web tools. Internet users can take advantage of FreeHand's zoom features, with ranges up to 25,600% to view crisp, detailed illustrations, geographic maps or technical drawings at any scale. Macromedia, Inc., San Francisco, CA, (800) 326-2128, www.macromedia.com. WM

This article originally appeared in the 05/01/1996 issue of THE Journal.
