View & Print Digital Documents Via Web

DocuWeb 1.5 is a hardware/ software solution for viewing and printing digital documents via the Web. It can be used by college students to access course notes, reserved readings, newsletters and out-of-print books. DocuWeb works directly with Xerox Documents on Demand (XDOD), a complete system for scanning, capturing, storing, editing and printing documents. Students or faculty can access DocuWeb through standard Web browsers on campus or home computers. Previously, one could view a XDOD library only from specially enabled workstations located on campus. Once viewed, documents may be printed locally or at a central printing hub. After receiving an onscreen form, print shop operators can output a document to a high-resolution device such as the Xerox DocuTech 135 Network Publisher. Version 1.5 supports HTML, GIF and Adobe PDF files, and provides collection and document-level security. Xerox Production Systems, Fairport, NY, (716) 231-7529,
