Free Microsoft CD Helps K-12 Connect

In an effort to promote "connected learning communities," Microsoft announced a free collection of powerful communications and Internet tools designed specially for K-12 schools using Windows NT Server 4.0.

Available through Aug. 31, 1997, the Microsoft Communications Tools for Schools CD brings together innovative technology from Microsoft and other leaders. A "Getting Started" guide helps educators quickly set up or update e-mail accounts with MailSrv for clients such as Microsoft Internet Mail and Qualcomm's Eudora Light (both included).

The CD also contains education-specific templates for Microsoft FrontPage, a separate Web publishing package bundled with Windows NT Server 4.0.

For schools not connected to the Internet, NETCOM offers half-price installation for dedicated line services and special flat-rate pricing for education. In addition, customers will find White Pine's Enhanced CU-SeeMe, for desktop videoconferencing in color, Microsoft NetMeeting, for Internet phone communications, and ForeFront's WebWhacker, for off-line browsing, plus a variety of viewers and authoring tools.

Communications Tools for Schools CD will be sent free of charge (except S&H) to K-12 schools in North America with proof of purchase of Windows NT Server 4.0. Microsoft Corp., Redmond, WA, (800) 582-6014,
