SW Assists Children in Pronouncing Words
The Sound Therapy program (Mac or Windows) gives teachers the ability to create custom speech drills for students, while teaching phonemic awareness. Each child is given a customized practice session that addresses their problem phoneme or sound.
Over 1,400 model words are included in the software, with all 25 consonant phonemes categorized by isolation, syllables, words and phrases. Practice sessions are created by the teacher and then placed on a diskette to give to the child -- to be used in a lab, schoolroom, or even at home.
Highly interactive, Sound Therapy lets children hear modeled words spoken and see them spelled out. They then say the word themselves (which is recorded) and listen to their reproduction compared to the correctly modeled word. ideaBASE, Inc., Waco, TX, (800) 867-4332, www.ideabase.com/.