Explore Genetic Engineering Techniques

Logal, producer of the Explorer 3.0 library of products, has released an interactive learning program that simulates a wide range of molecular processes inside a single cell.

Their new Molecular Biology model allows students to simulate DNAís effect on heredity, analyze genetic code in a DNA sequence, and even explore genetic engineering techniques, although the sheep need not be afraid.

ìThis new model permits teachers and students to generate any gene sequence and observe changes within a cell as a result,î says William Bowman, Logalís president. ìThis program gives students experience with molecular genetics in a simulated laboratory environment.î

The Molecular Biology model will be available to schools through traditional channels and through Logalís excellent Web site.

Logal also offers 27 award-winning science and math products,

along with 22 probeware products that are used for computer-based experiments. Logal, Cambridge, MA, (617) 491-4440, www.logal.com. WM 
