CUC Expands Focus On K-12 Community
CUC Software has expanded its focus on K-12 education through a new distribution channel, Fas-Track Computer Products of Sunbury, Ohio. Fas-Track sells over 7,000 products via direct-mail catalogs to schools.
The CUC family of companies includes Davidson & Associates, Knowledge Adventure and Sierra On-Line. CUC Software consolidates the sales, distribution and overall management of these divisions.
Besides Fas-Track, CUC markets its products through Educational Resources, the worldís largest reseller of educational software to schools. Educational Resourcesí Partnership Plus Program allows schools and districts to purchase hundreds of popular software titles under a statewide license at substantially reduced prices.
In related news, CUCís Youth Fund-Raising initiative has added software from Davidson & Associates, Knowledge Adventure and Sierra On-Line to its catalog of products available for school fundraising. CUC Software, Torrance, CA, (800) 545-7677,
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This article originally appeared in the 05/01/1997 issue of THE Journal.