New Programming Language Suits Kids, Teachers

FUNdaMENTAL is a new computer programming language designed for ages nine and up. It allows anyone to create interactive, multimedia programs with little difficulty, while developing critical-thinking skills.

Designed to emphasize the process and not just the finished product, FUNdaMENTAL lets students create programs that are cool ó with colorful animations, pictures, sounds and more. Using the software to create powerful and fun applications, they will come to program with an interest level not usually associated with learning programming. While acquiring the fundamentals (no pun intended), students will need to think critically, methodically, creatively and artistically.

FUNdaMENTAL is an assembly-like language; thus it actually helps teach how computers work internally, at a hardware level. And its user interface features a text box that explains the commands and syntax being used.

While the colorful user interface will appeal to young people, this is a powerful language. It boasts top-shelf capabilities like heavy number crunching, file storage, logical Booleans, animation, and sound recording and playback.

Suited for classrooms and computer camps, the package includes a teacher-designed manual/curriculum. It contains guided programming exercises of various levels, a Teacherís Journals section where colleagues share, and more.

FUNdaMENTAL has a plug-in that enables programs to be shown on the Web. There are four foreign language versions. Plus, there are special pricing and licenses for educators. For more detailed information, visit the firmís Web site. KartoffelSoft, Inc., Menlo Park, CA, (415) 306-0670, WM

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