

1-3, Vancouver, BritishColumbia. Thirteenth International Conference and Workshops onApplied Geologic Remote Sensing, sponsored by ERIM International,Inc., Hotel Vancouver. Contact: (734) 994-1200, ext. 3234,

2-3, Costa Mesa, Calif.Quantum Teaching Workshop, sponsored by Learning Forum, Country SideInn. Contact: (800) 285-3276,

4, Pittsburgh, Pa. ThreeRivers Educational Technology Conference, "Best Practices inEducational Technology," sponsored by the Carnegie Science Center,Carnegie Science Center. Contact: Linda Kent, (412) 237-3353.

4-7, Louisville, Ky.Kentucky Education Technology Conference, "Promoting theEntepreneurial Spirit," Commonwealth Convention Center, sponsored bythe Kentucky Department of Education. Contact: (502) 564-7168,

7-10, Boston, Mass.Learning Technology Online 99, sponsored by Inside TechnologyTraining, Hynes Convention Center. Contact: (781) 433-1650,

10-12, West Chester, Pa.Satellites and Education Conference XII, sponsored by West ChesterUniversity, Sykes Student Union Building. Contact: Nancy McIntyre,(610) 436-2393, [email protected].

11-12, Baltimore, Md.Annual Instructional Computing Conference, "Technology, TheClassroom, and You," sponsored by the Maryland Instructional ComputerCoordinators Association, Baltimore Convention Center.

11-13, Atlanta, Ga. EdExpo '99, the Georgia World Congress Center, sponsored by theNational School Supply and Equipment Association (NSSEA). Contact:(800) 495-5550,

16-17, Springfield, Mo.The 10th Annual Southwest Education and Technology Conference,sponsored by the Regional Consortium for Education andTechnology-Southwest, University Plaza Hotel. Contact: JulieHolloway, (417) 895-2722, [email protected],

17-19, Washington, D.C. TeleCon East, sponsored by Applied Business TeleCommunications,Washington Marriott Wardman Park Hotel. Contact: (800) 829-3400,

17-20, Seattle, Wash. 1999Northwest Council for Computer Education 28th Annual Conference,"Electroglyphs: Communication with Tomorrow," sponsored by theNorthwest Council for Computer Education, Washington State Conventionand Trade Center. Contact: (360) 650-4760, [email protected],

17-20, Chicago, Ill. Connected Classroom Conference, sponsored by Classroom Connect,McCormick Center. Contact: Classroom Connect, (800) 638-7639,

18-20, Orlando, Fla.Florida Educational Technology Conference, "Wired to the World,"Orange County Convention Center. Contact: (800) 259-2318,[email protected].

20-22, Atlanta, Ga. PDMConference '99, sponsored by CIMdata, Cobb Galleria Centre. Contact:(734) 668-9922,

20-23, San Francisco,Calif. NAESP Annual Convention & Exhibition, sponsored by theNational Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP), MosconeCenter. Contact: Lani Burnett, (703) 684-3345, [email protected].

27-30, Indianapolis, Ind.The International Technology Education Association's 61st AnnualConference and Exhibits, "Creating a World Class Profession,"sponsored by the International Technology Education Association(ITEA), Indiana Convention Center. Contact: (703) 860-4924,

28-30, New York, N.Y.SchoolTech Exposition and Conference, sponsored by Technology andLearning magazine, Hilton Hotel and Towers. Contact: (800) 829-3976,

29, Indianapolis, Ind.ITEA Technology Festival, sponsored by ITEA, Ball State University.Contact: Charles H. McLaughlin, Chairperson Technology Festival,(765) 285-5649, [email protected].


6, New York, N.Y. SkyForum '99, sponsored by Satellite Broadcasting &Communications Association (SBCA), Marriott Marquis. Contact: (703)549-6990, ext. 364,

7-10, Orlando, Fla. 32ndNational Congress on Aviation and Space Education, sponsored by CivilAir Patrol, Omni Rosen Hotel. Contact:

14-16, Breckinridge, Colo.10th Annual Distance Learning Conference, "Beyond Boundaries,"sponsored by the Telecommunications Cooperative for Colorado(TELECOOP), The Village at Breckinridge. Contact: (303) 365-7523,

14-17, Baltimore, Md. Connected Classroom Conference, sponsored by Classroom Connect,Baltimore Convention Center. Contact: Classroom Connect, (800)638-7639,

21-24, Ontario, Calif.Technology in Education International Conference and Exposition,sponsored by Community College Foundation, Ontario Convention Center.Contact: (916) 446-5881,

29-30, San Diego, Calif.Grants & Funding for School Technology: Proven Strategies forCapturing Your Piece of the $30 Billion Pie, sponsored by eSchoolNews, Wyndham Emerald Plaza. (800) 394-0115 ext. 119,

MAY 99

1-2, Cambridge, Mass. Inspirations from Reggio Emilia: The Power of Pleasure and Materials,sponsored by Center for Children, Families and Public Policy, LesleyCollege. Contact: Marta Gredler or Mary Mindess, (617) 349-8922,[email protected].

12-15, Los Angeles, Calif. E3: Electronic Entertainment Expo, sponsored by Interactive DigitalSoftware Association, Los Angeles Convention Center. Contact: (800)315-1133,


1-4, Baltimore, Md.TU/GIS '99, "The Internet and GIS: Exploring New MappingOpportunities," sponsored by the Center for Geographic InformationSciences at Towson University, Baltimore Convention Center. Contact:Dr. John M. Morgan, III, (410) 830-2964, [email protected].

10-12, Orlando, Fla. INFOCOMM International, sponsored by ICIA, Orange County ConventionCenter. Contact: (800) 659-7469,

22-24, Atlantic City,N.J. NECC '99, "Spotlight on the Future," sponsored by the NationalEducation Computing Association (NECA), Inc., Atlantic CityConvention Center. Contact: (541) 346-6322,

27-30, St. Paul, Minn. 1999 National Media Education Conference, "Taking Charge in ChangingTimes," sponsored by the Partnership for Media Education (PME),Radisson Hotel. Contact: (303) 756-8380,


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