Nova Desks Bring Back Original Desktops at Effingham HS
When a new high school was being constructed in the rural community of Effingham, Illinois, planners knew that they would incorporate Nova desks by Nova Solutions, Inc. Nova desks put the monitor and other components below the surface, effectively making a natural downward viewing angle, freeing space on the table and allowing unobstructed eye contact between student and teacher or lecturer.
Effingham High School has a building-wide LAN running Novell 4.1.1 with 225 PCs with Internet access. The school has their own Web site run by students and teachers, and managed by Woodruff.
Nova desks are installed in three business/computer labs, two media centers and the administrative offices. Moreover, every classroom has a multimedia lectern housing the teacher's PC. This allows for integrating "technology into the curriculum, without a monitor blocking the view between the students and the teacher," says Mike McCollum, EHS principal.
The labs are used for computer training and business instruction, whereas the media centers are used for special departmental teaching purposes. Each of these rooms holds 25 Nova 27" x 30" 88 Series workstations/desks plus a demonstration table.
Additionally, administrators and secretaries use several of Nova's 60 Series wood and 75 Series laminate desks. "In many meetings, the Assistant Principal, Dean of Students and myself have to lay papers out on our desks. Nova allows us to do this while still having access to our computers," says McCollum.
Nova Solutions, Inc.
Effingham, IL
(800) 730-6682
This article originally appeared in the 10/01/1999 issue of THE Journal.