The Business Channel Offers Web Programs through 1999

The line-up of courses offered by The Business Channel includes live and on-demand Web programs, MIT certificate courses via satellite and streaming video, and hundreds of hours of satellite seminars enhanced with Web components.

Five professional education courses from MIT's Center for Advanced Educational Services are offered at the desktop with streaming video and Web-based self-study. They are Internet Commerce, Advanced Internet Commerce, Optimizing the Supply Chain, Revenue Management and Use of Information Technology in Project Management.

Satellite seminar courses, such as Y2K: Triage for Minimizing Organizational Risk, have been enhanced with new content and graphics for a whole new Web-based learning experience. A free copy of The Business Channel's July-December 1999 Calendar of Learning Solutions for Performance Improvement contains complete program information, dates, times and participation options. The Business Channel, Alexandria, VA, (888) 822-8229,

