"Connecting America's Schools" with Top Technology

JDL Technologies has introduced a performance guarantee for school districts’ technology-based infrastructures, including networks and Internet access. This integrated approach to technology-based solutions, networking and Internet access, known as the Connecting America’s Schools framework, was designed specifically for K-12 educators. The eight key areas of the framework are to Analyze, Plan, Design, Procure, Install, Implement, Train and Support.

With a vendor-neutral approach, JDL will work with a school team to analyze and assess their current educational technology implementation, and help them document and understand their current situation. They then help procure and install a variety of network hardware and software from leading manufacturers, often taking advantage of purchase and leasing programs to maximize savings. Most services and products are E-rate eligible.

After installation, JDL helps to ensure that the new technology resources are actually put to their intended use. A wealth of practical experience with K-12 school networks has been integrated into JDL’s training courses, all designed specifically for educators, most of which can be personalized or customized to the specific needs of the school and its staff. Ongoing support is provided to maintain the network and guarantee reliable performance for all students, staff, faculty and administration. JDL Technologies, Edina, MN, (612) 946-1810, www.jdltech.com.
