New Releases - Hayes Software Systems

Software Helps Manage Textbook Distribution and Discipline Procedures

Hayes Software Systems offers two Windows software products to assist with school and district management. TIP for Windows is a program designed to help manage textbook inventory, whether on a single campus or across a district. Using easily comprehensible data screens, administrators can import, access and organize textbook information. Features of the program include the ability to download students' schedules, courses and teacher schedules directly from other applications like TSS, Osiris and SASI; the ability to look up data on any book by typing a word from its title; the ability to make notations about books, vendors, students, teachers, payments, or classes; and the ability to create requisitions based on actual enrollment.

The program can automatically generate letters to parents for students who have lost textbooks, and can also generate easy-to-read reports. These reports can be exported to other word processing or spreadsheet applications. Dozens of standardized report formats are available, or reports can be customized to meet the specific needs of a school or district. A multi-user networking option lets any number of authorized users access the program and school information. Easy-to-use optional bar coding helps match specific textbooks to individual students.

Also from Hayes comes the School Discipline System, a software program to help track and report student infractions of school rules. The application gives school administrators an easy way to monitor student misbehavior and track both specific incidents and trends. Developed with assistance from school principals and assistant principals, the program will help administrators see the "big picture," in addition to having records of specific incidents. A single mouse click lets administrators see a disciplinary report on a specific student, or track infractions by grade, age, race, special program, or the type of infraction. A mouse click also lets administrators determine what types of infractions are happening most frequently and when, check whether the response to infractions is effective, make notations about additional concerns or circumstances, generate reports for parents and teachers, or export data to word processing or spreadsheet applications. Hayes Software Systems, Austin, TX, (800) 749-5086,
