Scenario Learning Releases Training Course on ‘Bloodborne Pathogens’
Scenario Learning’s latestaddition to its “SafeSchools”staff training product line,Bloodborne Pathogens: AnnualRefresher, is designed to helpschool districts meet their annualbloodborne pathogens (BBP)training requirement as mandatedby the Occupational Safetyand Health Administration. Thecourse,availableonline for$5 per employeeor asa CD-ROMfor $249,providesrelevantinformation about BBP,including disease identification,symptoms, and vaccinationoptions; correct exposurecontrolprocedures; universalprecautions; and BBP incidentcleanup and disposal guidelines.In addition, the training courseprovides instructors withsupport materials such asMicrosoft PowerPoint presentations,course assessments, and alibrary of reference materials,while the Web-based versioneven allows schools and districtsto schedule,track,and documentthe training of their staff. Formore information,
This article originally appeared in the 06/01/2005 issue of THE Journal.