CCUMC Conference

Oct. 6-10; Portland, OR; 515-294-1811
The Consortium of College and University MediaCenters’ (CCUMC) annual conference gives itsmembers—academic technology professionals,AV managers, media collection managers,instructional designers, distance education coordinators,media producers, librarians, andcorporations—a chance to network and checkout the latest technology in the vendor showcase.This year’s conference, working off its themof “Blazing New Trails,” will highlight presentationson making the digital transition, upgradingand supporting classrooms and facilities,student response systems, changing roles, costeffectivestrategies, copyright, and emergingtechnologies. Off-site events will include outingsto Fort Vancouver, the Pearson Air Museum, andPortland Community College.Conference registration includes all meals,breaks, and transportation to off-site events.And those who register by Sept. 23 will get aspecial conference rate.

This article originally appeared in the 09/01/2005 issue of THE Journal.
