T.H.E. SmartClassroom :: March 20, 2008
Technology Immersion Turns Around Texas Middle School
Take a Title I urban school with fewer than 50 computers for some 850 students and a staff that wasn't strong in technology. Add an ambitious plan to roll out a new technology program that gave a laptop to every teacher and student. Sound like a recipe for problems? Actually, it wasn't....
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Ed Tech News
Palm Springs USD Rolls Out Instructional Writing Program
Southern California's Palm Springs Unified School District is rolling out an online writing program called MY Access! from Vantage Learning. The rollout will begin in elementary and middle schools in the first year and expand to high schools beginning in the second. The full deployment, expected within three years, will run $800,000....
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Idaho and Minnesota High Schools Go Virtual
Insight Schools, a company with a network of free, diploma-granting, online public high schools, recently announced virtual campuses for students in Minnesota and Idaho, which will open for the 2008-2009 school year. The service is free for the participants....
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Blackboard Debuts Educator Central Professional Development System
Blackboard has launched Educator Central, a new solution for K-12 teacher professional development. It's a hosted system for building education communities and managing professional development programs, as well as delivering and evaluating these programs....
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TEF Launches Problem-Solving Resource Site for Students
It shouldn't come as a surprise to our readers to hear that students often make poor decisions based on emotion rather than information (as opposed to us adults, who always make informed decisions). But the Tregoe Education Forum, a non-profit out of Princeton, NJ, has launched a new online resource to help educators teach skills that can help lead to better decision making....
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Kansas Launches Tuition-Free Online Public High School
Kansas' Spring Hill Unified School District #230 has teamed up with Insight Schools to launch a new online virtual public high school that's being offered tuition-free to students throughout the state. The new virtual school, dubbed Insight School of Kansas, will launch its first semester in August, with course selection taking place this spring....
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Events Calendar
March 24-27, 2008
2008 Texas Distance Learning Association Annual Conference
Galveston, TX
March 26-29, 2008
ACEI 2008 Annual International Conference & Exhibition
Atlanta, GA
March 26-30, 2008
NAEA Convention 2008
New Orleans, LA
March 27-30, 2008
2008 NSTA National Convention
Boston, MA
March 29-April 1, 2008
68th NSBA Annual Conference and Exposition
Orlando, FL
April 2, 2008
Educational Technologies Exposition 2008
Hartford, CT
April 2-5, 2008
2008 Council for Exceptional Children Annual Convention & Expo
Boston, MA
April 2-5, 2008
42nd Annual TESOL Convention
New York, NY
April 3-5, 2008
CAEYC 2008 Annual Conference & Expo
Long Beach, CA
April 6-9, 2008
NAEP's 87th Annual Meeting and Product Exhibit
Austin, TX
April 7-8, 2008
Internet@Schools East 2008
Arlington, VA
April 9-12, 2008
2008 NCTM Annual Meeting and Exposition
Salt Lake City, UT
April 13-16, 2008
TechEd 2008: 13th Annual Technology in Education Conference & Exposition
Ontario, CA
April 22, 2008
11th Annual Educational Technology Coordinators Conference
Macomb, MI
April 22-25, 2008
Designing the 21st Century Classroom (New Orleans) 2008
New Orleans, LA
April 24-25, 2008
2008 NETA Spring Technology Conference
Omaha, NE
April 27-May 2, 2008
Interop Las Vegas 2008
Las Vegas, NV
April 30-May 1, 2008
MICCA 2008
Baltimore, MD
Find more events at THE Journal's online Conference Calendar.
THE Journal Opportunities
Share Your Best Practices
T.H.E. Journal is currently looking for the following types of articles for future issues and for our eNewsletter, T.H.E. SmartClassroom:
- School Perspectives -- discuss a specific topic, trend, or concern about education technology.
- Case Studies -- have you implemented technology and learned a lot from the experience? If so, share your efforts about what worked -- and what didn't.
If you have a potential article, or questions about the above topics, please e-mail [email protected]
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