ePals To Provide Educational Documentaries to ePals Community


ePals has entered into an agreement with SnagFilms aimed at providing access to a range of educational documentaries to members of the ePals Global Community.

The ad-supported videos will be made available on ePals and will include a variety of titles geared toward students in elementary, middle, and high school. The documentaries can be viewed through a browser, integrated into class activities, and posted on individual teacher Web sites. Initial titles include National Geographic's Human Footprint, E-Waste, Wright Brothers' Flying Machine, and Inca Mummies, among others.

"At their best, documentaries do not just entertain us--they engage and inspire us to take action," said Rick Allen, CEO of SnagFilms, in a prepared statement. "For teachers and students, our great library of films shines light on critical topics, deepens lesson plans, and catalyzes family conversations that go well beyond the everyday. Focused on those deeper connections and tied to charities and communities with each film, SnagFilms offers a unique web experience tailor-made for the educational community, and there is no better partner in reaching educators than ePals."

ePals reported that it plans to encourage teachers to share ideas on integrating the videos into course curricula, as well as suggest questions and additional resources to spark classroom discussion.

About the Author

Chris Riedel is a freelance writer based in Illinois. He can be reached here.
