Drill Down
"Which Came First-- the Technology or the Pedagogy?" explores higher ed's efforts
to prepare new teachers to teach with technology. Below, K-12 principals reveal the kinds
of tech skills they would like preservice teachers to have upon receiving their credential.
- Three out of four principals would like new teachers to be able to use technology to differentiate instruction.
- Roughly a quarter of respondents want preservice teachers to know how to integrate students' mobile devices.
- Knowing how to teach an online class received by a large margin the fewest number of responses.
Which of these technology skills do you want to see from preservice teachers?
(Multiple responses allowed.)
--Data courtesy of Speak Up 2008, an annual national research project that surveys K-12 students, teachers, parents, and
administrators. Speak Up is produced by Project Tomorrow, a national education nonprofit organization
providing leadership, research, and programming to support science, math, and technology education in America's schools.