Apex Launches Subject-Focused Online Literacy Support Courses
Students who experience difficulty with reading comprehension are likely to have trouble in far more subjects than just reading. With this in mind, Apex Learning has launched six new online courses in their Literacy Advantage line that, while covering a range of subjects, all offer the additional component of literacy support.
Adding to their four existing LA titles, Apex has introduced courses in Geometry, Biology, English II, U.S. History, U.S. History to the Civil War, and U.S. History Since the Civil War. All six will be available this summer for use beginning in the 2010-2011 school year.
"A big problem for us is the number of students in high school credit recovery programs who are at below proficient reading levels," said Rodney Shotwell, superintendent of Rockingham County Schools in Eden, NC. "High school teachers are not trained in reading instruction, but if students can't read and comprehend, they are not going to be successful in any curriculum. In courses like Algebra I, Biology and U.S. Government, students have to learn and understand terms specific to the content. Digital curriculum that helps them process and understand the subject matter is filling an important dropout prevention and recovery need for our district."
According to the Alliance for Excellent Education, a significant number of high school dropouts cite difficulty with reading and writing as a key factor in their decision to leave school.
"We have students who are reading well below grade level entering our high schools," noted Longview, WA, high school teacher Steve Green. "The Literacy Advantage courses from Apex Learning will greatly help these students."
About the Author
Scott Aronowitz is a freelance writer based in Las Vegas. He has covered the technology, advertising, and entertainment sectors for seven years. He can be reached here.