Shmoop Launches Online AP Prep Courses
Digital resources publisher Shmoop has released online preparation courses for four Advanced Placement exams: English Language, English Literature, U.S. History, and U.S. Government and Politics.
Each course includes several progress levels (10 to 11 for English, 30 to 35 for history and government) that offer in-depth review and practice questions similar in format and difficulty to those that will be presented on the actual exams. The English courses include levels on literary analysis, multiple-choice questions, and step-by-step essay preparation for a variety of essay categories and formats. The history and government courses review every component of each complete AP course, with history levels covering all eras from early settlers up to post-Cold War America, and government levels covering the Constitution, the branches of government, the political process, political history and parties, and applications of federal law. In addition, each course includes a level of overview and strategy, as well as two full-length practice exams.
The company, known for presenting serious study and review tools peppered with mild irreverence in order to make the study process less tedious, will also be awarding Shmoints as users progress through each level of each course, with the top scorers being awarded Shmoop merchandise after exam week concludes in May.
Each online course is available for $12.95 at the Shmoop AP site.
About the Author
Scott Aronowitz is a freelance writer based in Las Vegas. He has covered the technology, advertising, and entertainment sectors for seven years. He can be reached here.