FETC 2012 Kicks Off in Orlando
This month, T.H.E. Journal includes a special section devoted to FETC 2012, which begins Jan. 24 in Orlando. This section of the magazine includes interviews with keynote speakers, stories about some of the other speakers, and even a couple of articles written by presenters.
FETC 2012 kicked off Tuesday, Jan. 24, the day after most people receive this newsletter. I hope that I will be seeing many of you there but, if not, the January issue of T.H.E. Journal has a number of articles associated with the conference held every year in Orlando.
A special FETC section of the magazine this month includes interviews with keynote speakers, stories about some of the other speakers, and even a couple of articles written by presenters. While it might not be quite as good as being there yourself, you do have an opportunity to get a taste of what is going on.
But this month's conference and this month's issue of T.H.E. Journal are not the only chances you've got to experience the event before next January either.
On Jan. 24, the first day of FETC 2012, we launched a new monthly e-newsletter called FETC Learning Network as a way to keep that sense of community that has grown up around FETC and the FETC Virtual Conference going all year long. This way, T.H.E. Journal can continue the learning that participants have experienced at FETC with critical insights and advice from K-12 technology experts, as well as the latest on mobile and cloud development projects, security solutions and strategies, collaborative technologies, and updates on FETC 2013.
To receive FETC Learning Network each month, visit
thejournal.com and sign up to have it delivered to you. And, of course, throughout the week you can go to
thejournal.com for daily reports on everything that's happening at FETC 2012.
About the Author
Michael Hart is a Los Angeles-based freelance writer and the former executive editor of THE Journal.