Professional Development | News

Lucid Data Launches Web-Based Teacher Evaluation and Observation System

Lucid Data has released a new Web-based teacher evaluation, observation, and self-assessment system for its PDExpress professional development management system.

The company developed the evaluation and observation system to integrate with its existing PDExpress product. The solution is flexible enough to accommodate the variety of evaluation models in use by school districts, such as the Marzano, Danielson, and Stronge evaluation models. According to John Wills, director of marketing for Lucid Data, the company "felt it was important to develop an integrated solution that would easily accommodate any existing or custom evaluation model while providing the flexibility to edit and modify evaluations when needed."

Key features of the PDExpress evaluation system include:

  • Custom rubrics and forms for evaluations, observations, and self-assessments;
  • Ability to import state-published rubrics;
  • Customizability to support any teacher evaluation model;
  • Alpha-numeric values for performance levels for reporting and summarization;
  • Integration with professional development data, such as goals, plans, workshops, and credentials;
  • Support for up to nine levels of electronic routing for teacher self-assessments;
  • Automatic email notifications of self-assessments to review;
  • Support for document attachments to evaluations, observations, and self-assessments; and
  • Ability to export to Excel spreadsheets.

In addition to the teacher evaluation and observation system, PDExpress also manages other aspects of professional development for teachers, such as workshop registration, professional leave, teaching credentials, goal tracking, and professional development plans. It includes reporting, querying, and administrative features.

The teacher evaluation and observation system is available at no additional cost for PDExpress customers.

Further information about the PDExpress evaluation system is available at

About the Author

Leila Meyer is a technology writer based in British Columbia. She can be reached at [email protected].
