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Tutor.com Introduces Spanish Language Help
Students learning high school or college-level Spanish can now connect to tutors 24/7 via Tutor.com. The online tutoring service has introduced Spanish language tutors at the beginner, intermediate and advanced levels, including AP Spanish.
The tutors provide one-on-one help with everything from basic grammar, such as agreement of adjectives and irregular verb forms, to more complicated verb tenses, the subjunctive mode and reflexive and relative pronouns. Students can also receive assistance with essay writing, reading comprehension and the basics of pronunciation. Students may speak to their tutor using voice over IP or via text chat in Tutor.com's online classroom. All sessions are saved and can be e-mailed or printed for future reference.
For more information visit the Tutor.com site.
About the Author
Rhea Kelly is editor in chief for Campus Technology, THE Journal, and Spaces4Learning. She can be reached at [email protected].